
Mujeres es otro de los más apreciados poemas de Juan Gelman, escrito bajo heterónimo en la serie de Los poemas de Julio  Greco, que hacen parte del libro Hacia el sur. Acá viene en la versión del traductor J.S. Tennant, publicada en el numero 11, Series 3 de Modern Poetry in Translation, entitulado Frontiers.



to say that this woman was two women is saying nothing

she must have had some 12,397 women in her woman/

it was difficult to know who I was dealing with

in this nation of women/ for example:

we were lying in a bed of love/

she was a dawn of phosphorescent algae/

when I went to embrace her

she turned into singapore full of howling dogs/ I remember

when she appeared wrapped in agadir roses/

she seemed like a constellation come to earth/

seemed like if the southern cross had come to earth/

this woman shone like the moon with her clear voice/

like the sun had set in her voice/

on the roses were written all this woman’s names except one/

and when she turned around/ the nape of her neck was an economic plan/

showing thousands of figures and the balance of the dead in favour of the military dictatorship/

no one ever knew how far this woman was going to go/

i was a little disconcerted/ one night

i tapped her on the shoulder to see who i was with

and i saw a camel in her vacant eyes/ sometimes

this woman was my town’s municipal band/

she played lovely waltzes until the trombone started to get out of tune/

and the rest got out of tune with it/

this woman’s memory was out of tune/

you could love her to the point of delirium/

make her grow through days of trembling sex/

make her flap like a fledgling made of sheets/

the next day she’d wake up talking about malevich/

memory encircled her like an angry clock/

at three in the afternoon she remembered the mule

that on one night of her life kicked her infancy/

this woman was many things and she was a municipal band/

she was devoured by all the ghosts whom she could

feed with her thousands of women/

and she was an out of tune municipal band

disappearing through the shadows of the little plaza in my town/

i/ my friends/ on a night such as this when

our faces were drenched and when perhaps we were dying/

climbed up on the little camel that was waiting in her eyes/

and i departed the lukewarm shores of this woman/

silenced like a child beneath the greedy vultures

that eat everything i give them/ except the memory

of when she came together like a bouquet

of gentleness which she threw one afternoon/

 (from: “The poems of Julio Grecco” in “Southwards“)

J.S. Tennant is a writer and translator who works for a publishing house in London. He studied at Trinity College, Dublin, and Salamanca.



About Laura Branchini

Traductora al italiano de poesía y de la mayoria de los libros de Juan Gelman (Lettera a mia madre, Guanda 1999, Nel rovescio del mondo, Interlinea, 2003, Doveri dell'esilio, Interlinea, 2006, Valer la pena, Guanda, 2007, com/posizioni, Rayuela, 2011), es responsable de redacción para la sección de traducciones de este sitio, siendo fundadora del mismo junto al periodista argentino Ariel Milanesi. - Este sitio, autorizado directamente por el mismo poeta en el 2011, está enteramente dedicado a Juan Gelman, su poesía y trayectoria artística. La redacción destaca la imposibilidad de conectar a los lectores, ya sea directa o indirectamente, con los herederos de Juan Gelman. Por lo tanto, mientras sea ese el propósito de sus mensajes, les aconsejamos dirigirse a las editoriales que publican su obra. -- En el caso de que quisieran colaborar con nosotros publicando algo en este espacio web, les recomendamos que nos escriban por e-mail. Todo material recibido será evaluado por el comité editorial, el cual decidirá sobre su publicación y procederá a avisarles. Les rogamos que nos envíen sólo material propio (o sobre el cual posean los derechos necesarios para la publicación en este sitio) y que agreguen una nota en la que se autorice la redacción de juangelman.net para su publicación. Este sitio no tiene ánimo de lucro y todo el material publicado se encuentra distribuido de forma gratuita para la difusión de la obra de Juan Gelman. También para correcciones, derechos autoriales (hacia editores y fotógrafos) y otras pendencias, escriban a: gelmaniana@juangelman.net - Gracias a todos los que hacen posible la existencia de www.juangelman.net – Todo sobre la poesía de Juan Gelman
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